What Can I Eat After Tooth Extraction?

Having a tooth pulled out can be for a bunch of reasons – maybe it was causing you trouble, had some decay, required an emergency tooth extraction due to an accident, or was just not growing in right. After you’ve said goodbye to that tooth, taking good care of your mouth is super important to help it heal up nicely.

You might think you can jump straight back into munching on your usual snacks and meals once the tooth is out. But, what you eat after getting a tooth pulled really matters and can make a big difference in how fast you heal. Choosing soft, easy-peasy foods to chew and saying “no thanks” to anything hard or crunchy is a smart move to keep the pain away and avoid annoying the spot where your tooth used to be.

This guide is here to fill you in on the best eats to help you heal fast and what foods you might want to skip for now. Let’s make your healing journey as smooth and speedy as possible!

Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction

For the first few days after surgery matters a lot. Stick to bland foods and gradually introduce other items back into your diet. The dentist can give you a list of what to eat. However, there are common soft foods you can also eat.

1. Soups (cold)

Blended soups like tomato, pumpkin, or French onion are excellent post-tooth extraction meal options. They are delicious and high in nutrients, which will keep you strong and help you heal faster. Blended soups also help to keep you hydrated after tooth extraction.

To avoid irritating your wound, don’t eat soups with large chunks of vegetables but eat them at a lukewarm temperature. 

2. Mashed Up Fruits

After having a tooth extracted, you can still consume all the nutrients your body requires by eating soft foods. Your diet can consist of mashed fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, squash, green beans, carrots, bananas, and avocados.

3. Smoothies (avoid seeds)

Smoothies are ideal for breakfast, snacks, and dessert. Fill the smoothie with lots of healthy fruits and vegetables and a scoop of protein powder to give yourself a boost.

Smoothies are a tasty way to get all of the vitamins you need while also avoiding disrupting the recovery process. 

4. Oatmeal

Oats are filling and high in fibre, as well as other vitamins and minerals. Because oats are sticky, you may need to wait 2-3 days after wisdom tooth extraction to eat them. 

After a few days, reheat some instant oatmeal to enjoy. Instant oatmeal is less chewy than steel-cut oatmeal. You can flavour it with syrup or jam or use cream of wheat instead of instant oatmeal. 

5. Ice-cream

After your wisdom teeth extraction, treat yourself to your favourite flavour of ice cream. Make sure you eat soft-serve for the first few days after surgery because it requires less effort. This cooling treat will not only soothe inflamed tissue but will also aid in the healing process. 

6. Pudding

Jell-O and pudding are available in a variety of flavours. Avoid flavours that include large pieces of fruit, cookie crumbles, or other crunchy ingredients. You can make Jell-O or pudding at home or buy it ready-made at the grocery store. 

Soft Foods To Eat After Tooth Extraction

Eating soft foods after dental surgery is essential for proper healing. Numerous nutritious foods do not necessitate much chewing. They are:

1. Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are one of the best foods after tooth extraction surgery. They are high in protein as well as other necessary vitamins and minerals. Additionally, try to consume Omega-3 enriched eggs because omega-3 fats aid recovery. Luckily they are easy to chew.

2. Apple Sauce

Its smooth texture and minor jaw movement make it an excellent food to consume following wisdom tooth extraction. It is high in Vitamin C and dietary fibre, essential components of a healthy and nutritious diet.

You can make applesauce at home with fresh ingredients and reduce sugar intake. 

3. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese has few calories and is high in vitamins and minerals. It’s soft and creamy, making it simple to chew and swallow while recovering from wisdom tooth surgery. In addition, cottage cheese is high in protein, which may aid wound healing. 

4. Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a tasty protein and calcium-rich snack. Protein-rich foods aid recovery, so consume as much of them as possible.

Yogurt has a creamy texture that is easy to consume after tooth extraction.

Things to Avoid After Tooth Extraction

Certain activities should be avoided following a tooth extraction to promote healing and avoid complications. Among these activities are:

1. Eating Hard or Crunchy Foods

To avoid food particles and bacteria accumulating at the extraction site, eat soft, nutritionally dense foods after extraction.

2. Drinking Through a Straw

Drinking through a straw causes a sucking motion that can dislodge your clot, increasing your chances of bleeding and dry socket. For at least 48 hours, avoid using straws. 

3. Smoking

Tobacco chemicals can affect blood clotting and increase your risk of developing a dry socket after tooth extraction. Your dentist may advise you to refrain from smoking following your extraction. 

4. Excessive Spitting or Rinsing

Spitting might be a reasonable thing to do, knowing that there is increased saliva and blood after tooth extraction. Spitting puts pressure on the mouth and can clot. Instead, lean over the sink and let blood and saliva drip out. Also, rinsing slows down clotting or dislodges it; therefore, it is advisable not to rinse or spit after extraction.

5. Drinking Alcohol

After having your tooth extracted, you should abstain from alcohol completely. Alcoholic beverages may delay recovery and interfere with medication prescribed by the dentist.

Don’t drink wine, beer, or liquor until your meds are finished, and your wound has healed completely. 

6. Eating Sticky or Chewy Food

Chewy foods are not recommended after tooth extraction. Chewy foods are sticky, and they may get into the area where your tooth was extracted. Again, this could cause irritation and slow healing. 

What Not to Eat After Tooth Extraction

There are some certain foods you need to avoid for the first 24 hours after extraction that your mouth will thank you for. They are:

1. Roasted Vegetables

Roasted vegetables are difficult to chew and swallow after oral surgery. Because they could lodge in the extraction site and cause much discomfort, you don’t want that.

However, pureeing vegetables into a warm soup is the best way to enjoy them after oral surgery.

2. Spicy Foods

It is crucial to avoid spicy foods after tooth extraction. Spices like cayenne pepper and paprika can irritate your extraction wound. It will take longer to heal if the area is irritated. 

3. Meat

Meat is chewy, and eating it requires much munching away and grinding the teeth. However, you want to avoid this as much as possible while your extraction wound heals. Meat may be safe to eat after 24 hours, but it may take several days. 

4. Crunchy Snacks

When you can’t eat solid food after an extraction, it’s tempting to reach for snacks, but be cautious. Food, such as chips or cookies, can become lodged in the extraction site and slow healing. Avoid nuts and other crunchy foods as well. 

5. Acidic Foods

After having a tooth extracted, you should avoid spicy and acidic foods. A sensitive mouth and gums can be irritated by hot sauces, soft drinks, and lemon. 


What Soft Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction?

You should eat foods that are easy to chew because they require no pressure on your teeth. This type of food includes:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Apple sauce
  • Cottage cheese
  • Soft cheeses
  • Yogurt

How Long After Tooth Extraction Can I Eat Food?

You should be able to resume eating within a few hours of the surgery.

Within the first 24 hours after tooth extraction surgery, you should avoid eating anything that requires chewing. Try to limit yourself to liquids only.

When Can I Eat Hot Food After Tooth Extraction?

For the first few days after the extraction, avoid eating hot foods. Heat increases blood flow to the wound and has the potential to dislodge the clot.

Can I Eat Soup After Tooth Extraction?


Can I Eat Ice-cream After Tooth Extraction?

Yes, you can because It is advised to consume ice cream within the first 24 hours of the procedure. This is when the majority of the swelling occurs. 

What is the Best Food to Eat After a Tooth Extraction?

The beat food to eat are soft foods like applesauce, soups, mashed potatoes, and instant oatmeal. They should be eaten lukewarm and not hot for the first 24 hours.


After having your teeth extracted, you must take care of your mouth and surgical sites so that they can heal. It’s critical to avoid foods that can irritate the extraction sites, causing an infection or delayed healing. You can protect the extraction sites and help them heal faster by eating soft foods and drinking plenty of liquids.

It is very crucial to get advice from an experienced dentist before eating anything. Contact our emergency dentists in Perth for a more detailed and professional dental consultation.

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