Treat Tooth Decay in Perth

A widespread and chronic disease in Australia and the most preventable! If untreated, tooth decay spreads to deeper layers of the tooth leading to tooth ache, infection, and potential tooth loss. Tooth decay is completely preventable with a good oral hygiene routine and lifestyle changes, do it now!

Causes of tooth decay

The main cause of tooth decay is the acid produced from bacteria and sugar, leading to erosion and weakening. Untreated, the initial decay creates a full cavity which requires immediate filling. Excessive plaque can also lead to bacteria and promote more acid production and disease. Avoid it if you can.

Stages of tooth decay

The earliest sign of tooth decay appears as a matte white spot on your tooth, and is still in a reversible state. The enamel can repair itself by decreasing sugar intake and using good oral hygiene. If tooth decay progresses past the white spot appearance, the tooth can start to look dark. This means that the decay has reached the inner layer below the enamel, called dentine. The last stage of tooth decay is full cavitation where the dentine has become so decayed, that it can’t support the enamel which collapses, leaving a cavity.

Non-functioning teeth

1) Decay in Enamel

2) Advanced Decay

3) Decay in Dentin

4) Decay In Pulp

Symptoms of tooth decay

If left untreated and allowed to develop, tooth decay can lead to more severe symptoms including tooth pain, tooth sensitivity and facial swelling.

How to prevent tooth decay

The number one cause of tooth decay is excessive dietary sugar in combination with a poor oral hygiene routine. Good oral hygiene, some lifestyle changes, and professional treatments can avoid the development of cavities and tooth decay.

Oral hygiene tips

Brushing your teeth with fluoride-containing toothpaste twice a day is one of the most effective methods in preventing cavities. It physically removes any lingering sugars, acid, or food trapped in teeth, which all promote the growth of bad bacteria.

Flossing regularly (daily)

Flossing regularly prevents excessive plaque build-up between teeth where toothbrushing may not reach. It also stimulates your gums and further prevents the development of gum disease.

Rinsing with fluoride-containing mouthwashes

Many mouthwashes contain fluoride and other compounds that help promote the strengthening of enamel.

Lifestyle tips

Most public water supplies now contain a small amount of fluoride which helps to strengthen your teeth.
Decreasing the amount of consumed sugar will prevent the bad bacteria from producing acid and destroying enamel.
Decreasing the frequency of sugar has a larger effect in decreasing tooth decay. Whenever your mouth bacteria are exposed to sugar, they produce a bit of acid, if the bacteria have constant sugar exposure, your teeth will erode.
Chewing gum stimulates your saliva which will help clear away some lingering sugars and food particles in your mouth. Like brushing, it can also physically remove any loose bacteria.
Dairy products are great for restoring the acidity and reduces the risk of tooth decay. Cheese is particularly good as it contains a protein that helps with retaining minerals that help repair and strengthen enamel.

Professional preventative options

Retained food provides nutrients for the bad bacteria to grow and cause tooth decay. Dentists can apply a compound that fills those crevices which makes it harder for food particles to get stuck there.
Early diagnosis of tooth decay allows you to take actions to allow your tooth to repair naturally and avoid invasive treatments.

Tooth Decay Treatments

There are several options available to treat tooth decay depending on the stage and severity of the decay:
If the tooth decay is diagnosed early enough fluoride treatments can help the enamel naturally repair itself. Your dentist can also provide you with a fluoride gel that you apply onto a tray which you wear to promote enamel repair.
If the tooth decay has progressed to a cavity, then your dentist must apply a filling to restore the tooth. They will remove any decayed tooth tissue and then use a filling material to fill up the hole.
This involves your dentist surgically going into the deep layers of the tooth and removing any decayed tooth tissue. They will then use a filling material to fill the teeth, or in some severe cases, a new crown (top of the tooth) is made and placed on top.
In the most severe case of tooth decay and the entire tooth is unable to be repaired, then your dentist must completely remove the tooth.

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