Wisdom Teeth in Perth

Wisdom teeth extraction is a very common dental procedure, typically performed by an experienced dentist in wisdom teeth removal. The idea can be overwhelming, and knowing more about the process can put your mind at ease.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

We all have them! They are actually the third set of molars located in the back of your mouth. They begin to descend in young adulthood and can be quite painful as they come in, and if they are impacted, sitting incorrectly or causing infection, a dentist will need to examine your teeth to determine if removal is the best procedure.

Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Removal usually means,
Wisdom teeth are also vulnerable to cavities as they are located so far back making them difficult to clean properly.
Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?

When to remove wisdom teeth?

Pain is the biggest reason and could lead to emergency tooth removal if it’s related to your wisdom teeth. A full examination and x-ray are required to determine treatment. If you need an emergency tooth extraction in Perth, contact us immediately.
Along with general pain, you may experience other symptoms. These are,

If your wisdom teeth are not the cause, still make an appointment with your dentist for examination and treatment.

How Much Does A Wisdom Tooth Removal Costs in Perth?

At My Emergency Dentist Clinic, to remove a single wisdom tooth costs $399. For the removal of all 4 wisdom teeth, the cost is $1,400. It is important to note that these prices are indicative averages. The actual cost can vary based on the patient’s medical condition, requirements, and the materials used.

What You Need To Know

Your dentist or an oral surgeon will discuss the treatment and go over the steps involved, and need to know about any health problems that you may have. You must also tell them if you currently take any medications – they can impact on the type of medicine administered during your surgery. Also discuss with your dentist the different types of anaesthesia that are available and nominate if you wish to be asleep during the operation or just sedated. You must to take a few days off to rest and recover, and someone should pick you up from your appointment and take you home.

How Long Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Take?

The process can last anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the situation the number of teeth to be extracted. After the anaesthesia, your dentist will widen the socket and move the tooth from side to side until it is loose enough to remove. Stitches will be used to close the opening if an incision has to be made in the gum.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Most individuals recover from wisdom teeth removal within three to four days after surgery. However, the amount of pain and swelling will vary and your recovery will depend on the steps that you take to allow your mouth to heal. As the anaesthesia will slowly wears off and you will feel some pain from the surgery. Mild swelling and discomfort can be present for several days after the surgery, and it will take about a month to completely heal. Meanwhile,
If you follow these suggestions the majority of the pain, swelling, and discomfort should subside within a few days to a week.

What Are The Side Effects?

Make sure you are in good hands and always choose a reliable dentist in your area. Even with a successful operation, there is a potential for side effects which include additional swelling and jaw pain. If you experience severe pain, open sores, or any other issues, contact your dentist. Be careful with your oral care after the surgery, to avoid infection, and follow all recommendations for dental care.

How Soon Should I Book?

Call us today to schedule a full dental exam if you are experiencing any of the symptoms described relating to wisdom teeth. The sooner you address these issues, the sooner you can get back to enjoying life!

FAQs About Wisdom Teeth Removal Perth

What Are The Sedation Options For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Various sedation options (sleep dentistry) are available for wisdom tooth extraction, including:

  1. Local anaesthesia: This involves numbing the specific area around the tooth using an injection. The patient remains awake during the procedure, but should not feel any pain.

  2. IV sedation: Intravenous sedation, also known as twilight sedation, involves administering sedative drugs through an IV line. This induces a state of deep relaxation and can provide pain relief. The patient may not remember the procedure afterwards.
  3. General anaesthesia: General anaesthesia involves the administration of medications to make the patient completely unconscious and unaware during the procedure. It is typically reserved for complex cases or patients with extreme dental anxiety.

What Are The Types Of Wisdom Teeth?

Types of wisdom teeth can be classified based on their position and level of eruption:

  1. Fully erupted: These are wisdom teeth that have emerged fully through the gum line and are in a normal position.

  2. Partially erupted: These wisdom teeth are those that have only partially emerged through the gum line and are at risk of causing problems due to the difficulty in cleaning them.

  3. Impacted: Wisdom teeth become trapped when they are impacted, which means they are trapped beneath the gum line and have not fully emerged.

What Are The Possible Risks Of Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Potential risks associated with wisdom teeth removal include:

  1. Infection: After the procedure, there is a possibility of developing an infection if proper oral hygiene practices are not followed. To minimise this risk, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene.

  2. Dry socket: This occurs when the blood clot that forms after the extraction becomes dislodged or dissolves, exposing the underlying bone and nerves. It can cause severe wisdom teeth pain and delayed healing. Following post-operative instructions and taking proper care can help prevent dry socket.

  3. Nerve damage: Although rare, there is a slight risk of nerve damage during the extraction of lower wisdom teeth. This can result in numbness or tingling sensations in the tongue, lower lip, or chin. Experienced dental professionals take precautions to minimise this risk.

What Does The Recovery Process Of Wisdom Teeth Removal Look Like?

  1. Swelling and discomfort: Experiencing swelling and discomfort on the extraction site is a typical occurrence.

  2. Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal after the extraction. Gauze pads are usually provided to bite down on to control bleeding.

  3. Oral hygiene: It is important to maintain good oral hygiene during the recovery process. Brushing should be done gently around the extraction site, avoiding the area directly. Rinsing with a saltwater solution may be recommended.

Diet: A soft or liquid diet is typically recommended for the first few days to avoid dislodging blood clots and to minimise chewing.

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